Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Doll Couture Tag

It's been months since I have posted anything here and since my life style has changed in the last few months, I have been doing very little cooking; therefore I have nothing to share.  However I have been devoting my time to my number one passion which its paper crafting.  I enjoy scrapbooking, greeting card creation and designing formal stationery.

I recently bought a book by Julie Nutting on collage couture and I have been having so much fun creating these fancy couquit tags. Designing these little dolls reminds me of playing with paper dolls as a young girl, my family did not have much money for fancy real dolls for me but I always had paper dolls.  These little dolls have also taken me back to how I developed my passion for beautiful paper creations, shiny pages of magazines and all types of art; I used to be good at drawing and bringing these little dolls to life I am remembering how to draw again.

Here's my first attempt at recreating one of Julie Nutting's cutie dolls:

doll tag couture

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