Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Heaven's Very Special Child

Since I am not cooking much these days a good friend of mine has encouraged me to post my paper art pieces and any thing else I may wish to journal.
I am currently doing some "spring cleaning" and ran into this prayer which was given to me many many years ago when I was in a very sad, seemingly, hopeless time.  This person, a woman/mom, shared with me this prayer, and her own special situation. I then came to find out that her very own "story" was so much more complex than mine was.  Anyway, I have kept this poem/prayer with me for over 30 years and wish to share this with my family and friends, and perhaps it will bring solace to someone out there.


Heaven’s Very Special Child

A meeting was held quite far away from earth.  It’s time again for another birth; said an angel to the Lord.
This special child will need much love.  His progress may be very slow, accomplishments he may not show.  And he’ll require extra care, from the folks he meets down there.
He may not run or laugh or play; in many ways he won’t adapt.  And he’ll be known as “handicapped”.
So let’s be careful where he’s sent.  Where all they want is his life to be content. They will do a special job for you.  They will not realize right away, the leading role they are asked to play.
But with this special child sent from above comes stronger faith and richer love.  And soon they will know the privilege given in caring for their gift from Heaven.  Their precious charge so meek and mild;
“Is heaven’s Very Special Child”

In memory of Nadia Stephanie Apodaca
Oct 23, 1977 Dec 28, 1982 

 Author unknown

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