Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kitchen Wisdom

Sundays are my favorite day of the week, I don't have a schedule to follow and can enjoy the day any way I wish.  Going to the farmer's market is one of my favorite activities, check out every vendor's "goods" what looks the best and, preferably organic, then think about what to cook for dinner. Taking care of my freshly bought produce is important because I want to enjoy them all week long. I am not a whole-week meal planner type of person unless I am entertaining and, then everything has to follow a strict schedule.

During my time in the kitchen I have discovered on my own, reading books or cooking channel several methods, shortcuts, time management, best temperature per item and overall kitchen management that have helped become a decent home cook and food planner. Therefore, today I will share some of my simple kitchen "wisdom".
  1. Don't be afraid of seasoning, sometimes simple salt and pepper will make you look brilliant
  2. Always season your meal with salt and pepper during cooking time, not at the end
  3. Take your meat (or substitute) out of fridge at least 1 hour before preparation time, it will cook more evenly and faster
  4. Do not wash your fruit and vegetables before storing them, moisture will create mold
  5. Do store all of your produce in plastic bags, they will keep fresh longer
  6. Herbs should be wrapped in moist paper towel (around roots) then placed in plastic bag
  7. Limit the use of dry herbs and grow your own if possible
  8. Freshen up any store bought or take-out food by adding a bit of freshly chopped herbs, maybe a little salt and pepper as well
  9. If you are missing an ingredient for a recipe, no worries, substitute or go without; unless its your main ingredient or your baking, anything can be exchanged
  10. When baking, no shortcuts!  Measure exactly, have eggs and butter at room temperature (unless you are making a pie/pastry dough).  Make sure you have all ingredients before starting.
  11. When cooking pasta, add 1Tablespoon (you heard me) of salt to water per pound of pasta
  12. When measuring liquids, use a glass pyrex type measuring cup.  1 cup of liquid = 8 ounces
  13. When measuring solids, use the nesting type measuring cup.  1 cup solid = 6 ounces
  14. Eggs should come to room temperature for everyday preparation; place them in warm water if necessary
  15. When peeling garlic, give them a good smash with a wide kitchen knife (flat side down)

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